Submissions currently closed.

If you are interested in seeing your work published in our next issue, you will find a guideline to the submission process and all the additional information you need below. Since this is a non-profit magazine, we cannot currently offer compensation for your texts, but you will receive a copy of your published work. 

Everyone can submit their work, and we encourage especially those without prior publishing experience and those who belong to marginalized communities to do so. You can choose to publish anonymously. Your texts will be published with trigger warnings, if necessary. We have a zero-tolerance policy for texts that promote or indulge in discrimination of any kind. 

Please submit texts as word documents. Don't mention your name in the document. We only accept simultaneous submissions if they are identified as such. You may submit up to five texts in total. For projects exceeding 20 pages, please include an expose. Layout, font, etc. will be unified within the editing process. There is no submission fee.


You can submit texts on any topic or theme and in any language, but please add a German or English translation, if necessary.


  • Poetry
  • Short Prose 
  • Serialised Novels
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Plays

Critical writing

  • Essays
  • Popular Scientific Writing
  • Reviews (of Literature, Movies, Shows, Music, etc.)


We accept translations of any type of literature, if you have legal permission to publish it. We offer to inquire about the legal situation of for you. 

Submit your texts to

We will get back to you within a few weeks after the submission deadline. Please refrain from inquiring about the status of your submission. We are a very small team and we receive a lot of submissions, so please don’t worry if it takes a little while for us to get back to you. This is what happens next:

We let you know that we want to publish your text.

We get back to you with suggestions on how to improve your text. If you decide to incorporate the feedback, it will be published, depending on the timing either in the upcoming issue or in the next one.

If our response should be negative, we still warmly encourage you to try again for the next issue (six months later). We have to choose texts that compliment each other for each issue, so it is not necessarily a comment on the quality of your text. 

If you receive an edited version of your text,

you review our changes and give us legal approval,

then we set the text and send you the layout for your final ok.

Your text goes into print and is published after which you will receive your copy of the magazine.